Radar Festival Interviews: Pupil Slicer

Part of an ongoing interview series with artists playing Radar Festival 2023 (28th-30th July),  we’ve put together a short list of questions for a handful of artists to provide some insight into bands you might not be yet familiar with. With Sleep TokenIgorr, and Periphery headlining, you can buy a ticket, and find more information about the festival on their website https://radarfestival.co.uk/

The answers today come from Luke Fabian who plays Bass in Pupil Slicer

Firstly, how are you doing?

We are doing great in the Slicer camp and still riding high from the overwhelmingly positive response we have received from the recent release of our album. We’re in the process of preparing for our run of UK summer fests and tour with scene elders and all-round dons, Employed To Serve in the Autumn.

How far are you travelling to get to the festival?

We are spread all around London and surrounding home counties, so effectively the other side of England. But it is a journey gladly undertaken as we always loves to come and play in Manny.

Tell us a little bit about your latest release

Our second full-length LP Blossom was released on Prosthetic Records in June. It takes the foundations laid out on our debut album Mirrors and expands upon this to produce what we would call ‘authentically’ Slicer. It is a sci-fi concept album and explores post-rock, extreme metal, hardcore and overall has a more progressive-leaning than our debut.

What one song should we listen to before coming along to the show?

Try No Temple, the second single from Blossom. It’s intended as a straight-up banger with some industrial and math elements incorporated. I recommend this song so you can learn the gang vocal for the final beatdown, and Radar can show Slicer its unbridled northern ENERGY.

What can we expect from your live show, are you bringing something special to Radar this year?

We will be bringing tracks from Blossom and some heavy hitters from Mirrors to get the prog fans progging hard. We may even debut a new song live as a first, to mark the big occasion of playing Radar main stage.

What merch are you going to have on offer?

We will have exclusive summer fest tie dye shirts featuring the Slicer ‘Slam’ logo, and the Blossom hoodies and tees as well as physicals of both releases.

Recommend three other bands that our readers should check out on the Radar Festival lineup

I would call out Monuments. In the paring of Mike Malyan and John Browne is arguably one of the and most consistent duos at the forefront of progressive metal. As a bassist, I would recommend Unprocessed – David John Levy is an amazing bassist, if not the outright best on the line-up. Happy to be corrected though. And lastly, I would shout out Harbinger as one of the stalwarts of the UK metal scene, they are guaranteed to bring the riffs and deserve all they reap from their tireless grind.

What band would you like to see on Radar’s lineup in 2024?

Our label mates Blindfolded and Led to the Woods have recently put out an amazing piece of progressive metal which blends all sorts of extreme stylings with an emphasis on death metal and dissonance. Plus, they are from New Zealand, so to have Australasian metal represented would be dope.

Thanks to Pupil Slicer! We can’t wait to catch them live at Radar Festival this year. Are you going?

Listen to their latest release: https://open.spotify.com/album/0yhbipcSej7NVFMB82MCe2

Instagram: https://instagram.com/pupilslicer/

Facebook: https://facebook.com/pupilslicer

Radar Festival: https://radarfestival.co.uk/

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